05 Apr Keep Up with Your Therapy Program
Hello Everyone!
This is my first official BodyTrace Blog…
My best advice for keeping your 2012 Exercise Resolutions going Strong:
- Choose an Activity or Sport that you enjoy. Sometimes a long scenic walk sounds more appealing than a 5k pavement pounding run.
- Set Realistic and Achievable Goals. One of the biggest mistakes can be biting off more than you can chew, only to injure yourself.
- Expect to be a bit Sore. Feeling sore the next day is guaranteed.  The good news is that it generally decreases in frequency and intensity as your body gets used to exercise. A cool shower works best. AVOID THE HOT TUB after a workout because studies show that it can exacerbate any problems!
- Warm Up Before and Cool Down After.
- Keep up with your Massage Therapy Treatments. Keeping up with your regular massage program has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of kinds of injury. Â It also prevents some injury and soreness from occurring.
Have a great April!
Take Care,